Friday, February 12, 2010

Plunder’s Lovers Delight or McFlurry, it’s Love.

Half year Anniversary & Valentines.
It’s a big love day for the Hagens.
A lot of people seem to not like Valentines, I’m discovering it has less to do with if you have someone to celebrate with or not, and more to do with how annoyed you might be with the commercial/cheesy aspect of the holiday. You may disregard a newlywed’s take on Valentines, but I have spent the majority of my V-days without a sweetheart and still always enjoyed Valentines. I think there’s nothing wrong with adding a day to celebrate love and relationships each year, even if sometimes it’s just celebrating the idea of it. Come on, we have calendar days dedicated to trees and popcorn… there’s nothing wrong with a love day.

I like decorating sugar cookies, being able to wear pink and red together, and reflecting on the love in my life. Whether we’re eating Plunder’s Lovers Delight or sharing a McFlurry, this Valentines will be the best, because it’s our first one together. It’s so weird that me and brad weren’t even officially dating last Valentines, and now we’ve been married for 6 months. Time is flying by and marriage is living up to the adventure I expected it to be. It hasn’t been bliss every day, but overall being married to brad has made my life infinitely better. I’m changing and growing into a better woman than I was before. I love life with you Brad! Happy 6 month anniversary and Happy Valentines. Te Quiero. XOXO

P.S. We've been sleeping on a matress on the floor for the past 6 months, and today, in honor of love, we bought a bed. I absolutely love it! (I walk in the bedroom just to stare at it. Then when I'm on my computer all of the sudden I'm looking at pictures of it without even realizing it. I'm almost ready to move on to a normal relationship one might have with a bed, soon.)


  1. I would have to agree on all accounts! Hope you have a terrific Valentine's day this year. Steve and I are thinking of making a trip to Morocco and I immediately thought of you guys. I'm assuming you give the place two thumbs up???

  2. yes! i'm so jealous of your central location for amazing trips. :) if you go definitely try to make it to essouira, its pretty magical. Happy Valentines!

  3. Yeah! Gotta love living those few inches off the ground. :) I remember buying our first bed. I don't know what it is about it, but we felt like real live adults. :)

  4. love your new bed and the cute vintage Valentines!

    Thanks for the tips on Normandie! I will have to check out the soup and garlic burger for sure!

  5. Love the bed! Ya for not sleeping on the floor!
